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Martino Anibaldi
Master’s student in Musicology, specializing in music philology and publishing. His studies focus on music from prisoner-of-war camps during the Second World War.
Chiara Aquilani
Master’s student in Musicology, she specializes in interspecific musical practices, acoustic ecology, and documentary filmmaking.
Margherita Bellini
Preparatore vocale
BA in Musicology, she is currently pursuing an MA in Choral Conducting. She collaborates with associations and institutions as a conductor and vocal coach.
Francesco Bombarda
Financial Manager
Active in organizing events and festivals, as well as in the communication sector for some major musical organizations.
Chiara Broggini
Active in the secretariat of choral organizations and associations. In addition to working in choral education for children, she has studied Baroque and operatic singing.
Giovanni Cestino
Artistic Director
(Ethno)musicologist and choir conductor. His research focuses on material, geographical, disciplinary, and performative borderlands.
Stefano Colombo
BA student in Musicology. He is interested in sound synthesis and music for audiovisual media.
Emanuele Cristini
Master’s student in Musicology. He focuses on audio production and media music, and is active as a composer and arranger.
Rebecca Favale
Master’s candidate in Musicology. Her studies focus on popular music, ethnomusicology, and the relationships between music and society.
Amina Fiallo
MA in Musicology and an aspiring archivist, now training in digital humanities. Her area of interest is plainchant and its polyphonic transformations over the centuries.
Diego Franciosi
Guitarist and master’s candidate in Musicology. He is interested in 20th-century and contemporary music.
Alessio Giuricin
Master’s student in Musicology, he is one of the most knowledgeable experts on the musical traditions of Veneto-Julian and Dalmatian regions, particularly those of Rovinj.
Lorenzo Giustozzi
Master’s candidate in Musicology. He focuses on the study of compositional process and related materials.
Lucia Gualandi
MA in Musicology specializing in musical dramaturgy, she explores all aspects of theater.
Chiara Lora
BA student in Musicology, she has studied operatic singing and participated in several theatrical productions. Her areas of interest include dramaturgy and voice studies.
Michela Marcucci
Masters’s student in Musicology, she focuses on voice studies and the relationships between poetry and music.
Anna Martini
Executive Producer
MA in Musicology specializing in musical heritage, she is involved in projects related to the documentation and preservation of WAM from various periods.
Ester Melchiorre
Master’s student in Musicology, she focuses on choral practice and education for children’s and youth choirs.
Matteo Rizzardi
Pianist, organist, choir director, and vocal coach, he specializes in Renaissance and Baroque repertoire. A graduate in Computer Science, he is currently an entrepreneur.
Riccardo Roveyaz
Master’s student in Musicology, currently attending a BA in Choral Conducting. He works on music for audiovisual media and composes soundtracks for short films.
Giuseppe Trovato
Trained as a musicologist and director for musical theater, his areas of research include opera, musical dramaturgy, and theatrical staging.

Former members

Niccolò Galliano (2022-23), Gioele Onida (2022-23), Giulio Gianì (2023-24)